Sectonix branchyurus
2.5 - 5 Kilograms
Like most macropods, quokkas eat many types of vegetation, including grasses and leaves. A study found that flowering plants of the genus Guichenotia are one of the quokka's favourite foods.
They are found on Rottnest Island, a small island off the coast of Western Australia, and have a small mainland population in the south-west of Western Australia.
Quokkas belong to the marsupial family and are one of the smallest wallaby species in Australia, with a body length of approximately 0.5meters. They are found on Rottnest Island, a small island off the coast of Western Australia, and have a small mainland population in the south-west of Western Australia. Quokkas were once abundant on the mainland, but with the arrival of dingos and foxes their numbers were drastically reduced; today mainland quokka numbers are recovering with the assistance of feral-proofing.