Agile Wallaby


scientific name

Macropus agilis

conservation status

Least Concern


16 - 27 Kilograms


The agile wallaby feeds mainly at night on grasses, legumes and other herbaceous plants, but may also forage by day, especially in the wet season.


Agile Wallabies are the most common macropod in the tropical top end of Australia.

The Agile Wallaby belongs to one of the largest marsupial families, with species ranging in size from 0.5meters to over 2meters; the family is the Macropods, meaning “long back foot” or “big back foot”. Agile Wallabies are the most common macropod in the tropical top end of Australia. They live in groups of up to ten, with a dominant male and numerous females and their offspring. Breeding can occur at any time with a 1 month gestation and pouch life of up to 8 months, with females mating shortly after the birth.